
This website collects personal data for site analytics, including:

  • Browser, network, and device information

  • Web pages visited before coming here

  • IP address

  • Clicks, internal links, pages visited, scrolling, searches, timestamps

We share this data with our website host and analytics provider to understand site traffic and improve services. They use this data in a de-personalised form.

This website uses cookies and similar technologies. Functional cookies are always used for secure site delivery. Analytics and performance cookies, used to view site traffic and activity, are activated only with your consent via our cookie banner.

When you submit a form, we collect the data to respond to your submissions. This data is stored by our hosting provider.

For commenting, we may collect:

Name (displayed with your comment), Email address (optional, for notifications), Website URL (optional).

For liking posts, we collect:

Browser, network, and device information, details about the liked content, IP address.

When you subscribe to our newsletter, you may receive newsletters from us, with the option to unsubscribe included in each email.

By providing your email address to download any of our digital products, such as lists, you consent to subscribing to our newsletter.

Your contact information is shared with our email marketing provider.

If our brand is sold, your data will transfer to the new owner.

This website uses Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts, which may collect:

Browser, network, and device information, site and page information, IP address.

Our providers may use servers in the USA and UK.